Flashback Friday - Port au Prince, Haiti

October 31, 2011 – Port au Prince, Haiti

“Should I stay or should I go?” I ask myself, trying not to panic as I watch my two friends, Trek and Jack, being led away by a mysterious Voodoo Priestess dressed in black. They follow her through a white door in the far corner of the rustic temple.
I’m left standing alone in the center of the Voodoo temple, a tall blonde in a sea of dark Haitians. I do not blend in at all.

Read Andi’s post here at:







Vodou has always been a very mysterious religion. In all honesty, I don't know much about it beyond the way it has been depicted in movies and television shows from Disney's The Princess and the Frog to an episode of MacGyver called "The Walking Dead" in the 80s, and an episode of the Hardy Boys called "Voodoo Doll" in the 70s. I do know there are different types of Vodou, as it is correctly called. For instance, Haitian is different than the Vodou practiced in New Orleans.

So I did a bit of research and came up with some links that you may find helpful and interesting. One thing I learned was that Vodou incorporates and has parallel beliefs to Catholicism. I never knew that!

Catholicism Connection - Similarities Between Voodoo and Catholicism - http://plaza.ufl.edu/kjbowen/project2/cc.html

What is Voodoo? Understanding a Misunderstood Religion - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/saumya-arya-haas/what-is-vodou_b_827947.html

National Geographic - http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/10/1021_021021_taboovoodoo.html

The Bohemian Blog - Encountering Haitian Vodou: The Grand Cimetiére of Port-au-Prince - http://www.thebohemianblog.com/2015/04/encountering-haitian-vodou-the-grand-cimetiere-of-port-au-prince.html

Adventures in Haiti: The Perfect Family Holiday in 2015 - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/scott-goodson/adventures-in-haiti-the-p_b_6449618.html

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